Member and Guest Protocols
M&G Protocols
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Guest Protocol:

You must be a legal adult in order to attend any investigations. We cannot take liability for any minors. This includes parents who may want to bring their children.

You must be highly respectful towards property, public or private, even if abandoned.

You must not bring nor be under the influence of alcohol or any illegal paraphenalia. If so, you will be promptly dismissed from the investigation.

If someone becomes fearful by ghost phenomena (ie: scratches, pushed by an apparition) the investigation will be promptly discontinued, no matter what. The safety for the team and its guests come first.

Be respectful of members and visitors at investigations and when outside of investigations.

You may not discuss any investigations without concent from the LAPI Investigation Team. Also, under any circumstance will you speak of any clients name outside of the investigation unless released from LAPI.

You must not invite friends or family members along without prior concent from LAPI.

Team Protocol

You must be highly respectful towards property, public or private, even if abandoned.

If someone becomes fearful by ghost phenomena (ie: scratches, pushed by an apparition) the investigation will be promptly discontinued, no matter what. The saftey for the team and its guests come first.

Be respectful of members and visitors at investigations and when outside of investigations.

You must act civilized at all times during investigations. I must ask for please and thank you's when talking to clients.

Please do not do stupid things when wearing LAPI gear outside of investigations. The reputation you put out is the reputation we'll get from the public. (ie: drink, cuss, vandalize, etc.)

You must not bring nor be under the influence of alcohol or any illegal paraphenalia. If so, you will be promptly dismissed from the investigation.

You must wear your LAPI shirt and badge when conducting investigations so no one will mistake identity and so our reputation cannot be forged.
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